Yellow Tail Sweet Red Roo

750ml Bottle

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    Yellow Tail
    Casella Family Brands
    12% Alcohol
    South Eastern Australia
    Product Description

    Yellow Tail Jammy Red Roo wine has a friendly and inviting ruby color. It's made with a special blend of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon, resulting in a naturally sweet and expressive flavor. When you taste it, the delicious flavors will make you feel incredibly happy!

    Tasting Notes

    When you smell it, you'll notice the pleasant scents of naturally sweet red berries, vanilla, and chocolate. The wine is a wonderful mix of these flavors, carefully crafted using different types of red grapes to create a taste that reminds you of ripe berries, vanilla, and chocolate.

    Food Pairings: To enjoy this medium-bodied wine, you can pair it with dishes that have a similar level of richness. It goes well with aged cheeses or honey, as these enhance the jammy fruit flavors. You can also enjoy it with lighter meats like pork or venison.